How will you be a better man?

Happy New Year! Thank you for continuing to show up to this work of becoming better men.

I assume you get the newsletter that I send to my broader community, not just the men! 

In it I announced that we are going to focus 2021 on a careful study of the Jungian classic “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine” by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette.

This is a good time to bring other men into our effort. Here is a link to the invitation, go ahead and share it with your friends. Pick a few. Think of men who are interested in nurturing a more conscious masculinity. Send a text or an e-mail with the link.

We’ll start our study next month. We’ll begin with a study of the book’s introduction when we meet on February 1 at 8:30PM East.

Tonight we’ll focus on honing our intention to become better men in 2021. Please come to the call ready to answer the question: 

How will you be a better man in 2021?

What is your intention? Your resolution? What will be your practice? How will you find support and accountability? How will others speak of your conscious masculinity by this time next year?

I’m looking forward to being with you very soon!



PS Consider boosting your practice with me in 2021. Resolutions don’t work. But accountability does.

Gibran RiveraBMP 31-60