Men Under Pressure


Accept what you can’t change. Clean Up. Share your thoughts and feelings. These are a few of the tips listed in the Survival Kit for Men Under Pressure.  Grateful to Lawrence Barriner II for pointing to it in his newsletter.

The umbrella organization that put it together says that it is their job to support and accompany men: 

“We know from experience that crisis situations increase the risk of losing control and becoming violent.”

That’s an intense statement. It is challenging to face the fact that many of us run the risk of becoming dangerous. But it is much better to face it. To accept the possibility. Particularly when we are under this sort of pressure. Because it is only then that we can take appropriate precautions.

It is only by facing the possibility of patriarchal violence that lives within each of us that we become able to support other men in doing the same. 

What comes up for you as you read this list? Where are you strong? What needs more of your attention? Is there a way you can share this further? Are you able to gather other men and talk about it?

What if the work of conscious masculinity could go viral? Each one of us “infecting” many others? Perhaps men are more ready to give their attention now. These are times for self-reflection.

Iy is a difficult time. But we can rise to meet it. And we can even aim to come out stronger, more ready, more able to face the challenges that lie ahead.

Stay healthy and safe. 



PS Join me Thursday, to talk about Adaptive Change

PSS My best friend is finally home! Thank you for the prayers and the care