Kathryn Ramey on Decolonizing Puerto Rico

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Kathryn Ramey is a filmmaker and anthropologist who is making beautiful and important work about Puerto Rico.

I met Kathryn when I facilitated the orientation of the 2019 Creative Capital Awardees. Her work is personal to me. I grew up with a nationalist father. But surrounded by uncles, cousins and grandfathers who have served in the military.

I grew up visiting “La Base Ramey.” I have vivid memories of the spartan place, and of it’s tropical surroundings. Kathryn learned that the military base was named after a relative of hers. And she turned her gaze towards that which too often unseen when we think of Puerto Rico.

El Signo Vacío (the empty sign) is a feature-length cinematic essay interrogating the 120-year US occupation of Puerto Rico. She seeks to reveal the ways in which US democratic narratives effectively obscure military domination.
It is an important time to contend with what is happening on our island. Bankruptcy, climate chaos, earthquakes, a lack of democracy and a President who disdains us. Tune in to our conversation. And let us know what you think.

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Find out more about El Signo Vacío

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