Coach Talk

Tuesday and I spend a lot of time talking about coaching. So we thought it would be good to bring you into the conversation. The idea of “Coach Talk” is to support other coaches. And especially to support leaders who might not call themselves coaches, but who must definitely coach others in order to lead any successful enterprise.

Tuesday has a new cycle of coaching slots opening up. And I am looking for a select few to join me this fall in the most intensive coaching program that I offer.

We want your feedback on this “Coach Talk” pilot. Please let us know if you enjoy it and share it. And we’ll be glad to offer more. The idea is to talk about coaches we are learning from. And to share how we are integrating their tools, practices and lessons into our own coaching.

This pilot episode is inspired by an interview of Diana Chapman on the Tim Ferriss Show. She is a successful high profile coach and a founder of the Conscious Leadership Group.

Can’t wait to hear what you think! Let us know if you want more.



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