My Approach to Coaching
I asked Tuesday if she would interview me about my approach to coaching, and we made this video together:
The first five minutes provide context for how I got into this work. You can skip ahead if you want to get directly to my actual approach.
Coaching has become one of the most rewarding parts of my work. It is not all I do. But it is one of the strongest levers for transformation that I have yet to find.
My coaching work is evolving. It is changing and deepening.
Originally, my focus was on leaders navigating the endless waves of VUCA.
Volatility. Uncertainty. Complexity. Ambiguity.
On people contending with a growing culture of grievance and hypersensitivity. A work culture that seems to question the very existence of leadership itself.
This is still true. I am committed to supporting leaders do work that demands a different leadership posture.
But there is more to my work. In essence, what we are saying in the video is that, my aim is to help you:
Give up any story of being a victim
Place heart and spirit at the center of what you do
Find your way back to your Self, your integrity and source of power
Hear hard truths and learn to speak them
Develop your Self-Sovereignty, the capacity to bring yourself back to coherence when triggered
Make consequential decisions and take action in the real world
Experience a pressure cooker for transformation
And, most importantly, continue to heal from the hurts that are holding you back
I’m opening 5 more coaching spots at the beginning of 2023. Click here if you are interested.
Note that we also offer a coaching package focused on your whole leadership team. And you can also inquire about a full-day intensive for individuals who want to focus more deeply on healing work that will propel your leadership to entirely new levels. You can use this different link for such inquiries.
Listen to your inner voice. If you find resonance here, it will be great to hear from you.