Not This

Last week I sent you a note announcing Tuesday’s new program: Navigating Transformation. (If you are new to this newsletter, Tuesday is also my soon to be wife!!!! Tick Tock to November 5!).

Today, I want to link you to the third and last part of her recent articles on transformation, which I have been sharing with you here.

“Not This” - A Quieter Aspect of Transformation

So much of my (Gibrán here!) own work is focused on helping people and leadership teams to align with their purpose. To get crystal clear on what they are here to do. And to take concrete steps in the direction of that calling.

But knowing what is not ours to do is just as important.

And I dare bet that most of us know and feel that quiet voice, that body sense, when something is not for us. We know what it’s like to feel it. And we know what it’s like to override it.

Over, and over, again.

Things can get really scary when we start to learn that something is no longer for us. When the work we’ve been doing is no longer for us. When a relationship is no longer for us. When we have invested much of ourselves and our identities in something that is no longer for us.

But this is indeed the path of transformation. We must listen to that “not this.” Even when it feels like everything will shake. We must find the courage to not turn away. The snake has to shed its skin. It is the only way to live and grow.

I love Tuesday and her work. And I continue to share it with you because I know it flows from someone who is actually walking to walk. My love is doing the work.


And may you also find the courage to let go.

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