Men Holding Each Other


I’m looking forward to our call next Monday, February 3 at 8:30PM. Did you get my newsletter on Friday? We released the first of a set of interviews for the Better Men Project on my YouTube show

Check it out here, and get to know the spirit and the wisdom of Lawrence Barriner II. He has been doing a lot of men’s work. And we have been blessed to have him on our calls.

I am appreciative of this riff on the importance of being held. I’ve written about it in the past. And Lawrence is especially good with his articulation here. We need to be held. And we need to hold each other.

We don’t have spaces where we can safely fall apart. And the culture does not want its men to fall apart. But falling apart is an integral part of transformation. The old has to break so that we can let go of it. It is by letting go of the old that we make space for the new.

Holding each other can be a matter of being together in space. Doing it intentionally. But it can also mean literally holding each other. It can mean touch. And in many cases is should mean touch, sometimes it must.

I’ve been moved by learning of men’s groups opening room for touch. Ceremony space often leads to beautiful, healing, consensual touch between men. Many of us hold an idea of masculinity that makes it difficult to touch and hold each other. 

Patriarchy is depriving us from the very medicine we need.

How are you held? How have you been held? With or without touch. 

Do you know what’s it’s like to have the space to fall apart? 

How do you hold? What does it take?

Let’s talk. And hold each other.

