Tell Male Friends I Love You

We just celebrated Valentine’s Day. I trust you found a way to show up well. It’s a good week to remind us that we are the sort of men that say “I love you” to our male friends

What if we take this week to practice? To do it with more intention. Instead of making it a quick replacement for “good bye,” we take an honest pause, and we say it like we mean it.

All humans carry a transmission. This is why we always notice when the most miserable person walks into a room. We also notice the happiest and the lightest. You can cultivate your transmission. You can practice.

Take a moment as you close your conversations. Breathe. Ground. Feel the earth. And say “I love you” as you prepare to wrap up your conversations. Send love to the other man. Project your wish for their well being. Be subtle about it. Trust the energy. No need for drama. You are not calling attention to yourself. You are generously giving it away.

Try it. At least three times this week. And hopefully a lot more. See how it feels.

I love you,

PS: Read Chapter 1 of “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover.” Our next call is March 1 at 8:30PM. The day after my birthday!