Where are the initiated?

The journey begins tonight. We are devoting 2021 to an in depth study of King, Warrior, Magician Lover. And we are going to go step by step. We start with the introduction. Which itself makes all sort of important assertions.

Assertions about ritual, about initiation, about what has been lost and most be regained. Assertions about masculinity, femininity and what constitutes a healthy relationship to the feminine. We don’t have to agree with all of it. But it will be good to engage it.

I appreciate this quote from the introduction:

Patriarchy, in our view, is an attack on masculinity in its fullness as well as femininity in its fullness. Those caught up in the structures and dynamics of patriarchy seek to dominate not only women but men as well. Patriarchy is based on fear—the boy’s fear, the immature masculine’s fear—of women, to be sure, but also fear of men.

Come tonight with your own reflection. What is resonating? What might be harder to hear? Are there points of dissonance? What are the implications for our project of conscious masculinity?

See you tonight,
