Winter Solstice Gathering

Join me in celebrating the winter solstice on Tuesday, December 21, at 4PM Eastern time. We’ll meet for 30 minutes to connect and realign. 

What are you doing on the Winter Solstice?

We can get so caught up in the rush, excitement, and yes, consumerism, of the Holiday Season that we might forget that there is a perfect night when we get to dance gently with our star.

You know I’m keen on remembering ancestors. I am grateful for the ways in which they made effort to transmit the most important things that they thought we should remember.

Before there was religion, before writing and the internet, we human beings used ritual to teach what is most important. 

The main point of this note is to invite you to think ahead to December 21, and make yourself a little Winter Solstice plan. Find a way to honor this movement among the stars. Do something simple that connects you to this practice that we’ve been doing together since the early days of time. 

It’s the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Light a candle, say a prayer, bake your own bread and maybe have it with wine. Remember those who are cold. And turn your heart towards the light. Don’t overthink it, otherwise, you might not do it. Just make a note to remember, find a way to mark the time.

I’m inviting my friends to join me for 30 minutes, on Tuesday, December 21, at 4PM Eastern time, so that we can be together just as the sun starts to set. It will be simple. We’ll light a candle, meditate, and share briefly about the year coming to an end. 

Join us if you can. But do something even if you can’t come.  

PS As we look to the end of the year, we also look to the beginning. We are bringing BOOST Your Practice back in 2022. You’ll get an email as soon as we are accepting sign-ups.

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